Thursday, August 30, 2007

The three percent

"...only about three percent of any population is actually innovating - as opposed to inventing, improving…or watching the clock to get home in time for The Simpsons rerun hour."

"TheThreePercent is about anyone who finds themselves in the odd position of trying to change the rules. And for the habitual innovators, the creative misfits of corporate life and research labs everywhere - you’re home now, so kick off your shoes, relax, and tell us about your day."

IBM extreme blue:

"The Extreme Blue™ program is IBM's premier internship for top-notch students pursuing software development and MBA degrees. If you're chosen for the program, you become part of a team working in one of a dozen Extreme Blue labs around the world. Your team's challenge: develop the technology and business plan for a new product or service that addresses an existing market challenge."

How not to die:

"The odds of getting from launch to liquidity without some kind of disaster happening are one in a thousand. So don't get demoralized. When the disaster strikes, just say to yourself, ok, this was what Paul was talking about. What did he say to do? Oh, yeah. Don't give up."

Evidence based scheduling

Joel on software:

"When you think of writing code without thinking about all the steps you have to take, it always seems like it will take n time, when in reality it will probably take more like 4n time. When you do a real schedule, you add up all the tasks and realize that the project is going to take much longer than originally thought. The business people are unhappy."

Beat The Odds, by Joel Spolsky:

"Even when task estimates are done well, and they actually reflect the most likely amount of time that the task will take, you can't simply sum up estimates mathematically to get the project ship date, because when tasks go over, they go all this, using evidence-based scheduling and the Monte Carlo method, you can simulate your future schedule and generate a precise probability curve of possible ship dates that is far more informative and accurate than you get from naïve methods."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Human Computation

Human beings are better than computers in solving some problems. If you could turn those problems into games and put on the web, people could play the game which in turn would provide solutions! ESP game is such a game. You can watch the human computation video to learn more. Very interesting indeed.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nişan Prosedürü

Uzun zamandır evlilik işleri nedeniyle blog yazamıyordum. Artık tüm işlemleri tamamladığımıza göre prosedürleri kritik ayrıntıları ile kaydetmeli ki evliliğin romantik birşeyden çok ciddi bir proje olduğunu herkes bilsin, ona göre ayağını denk alsın. Süreç yıpratıcıdır. "Vay ben çok aşıkım" diyerek bu iş olmaz, neden evlenmek istediğini iyi bilen sağlam bünye gerektirir ;)

İlk prosedür kız isteme/yüzük takma işlemidir (nişan da diyebiliriz):

  • Kız istemeye giderken çiçek ve çikolata yaptırılır. Bunları son ana bırakmadan gün içinde halletmek gerekir.
  • Kız istemeye oğlanın yakınları gider. Oğlanın annesi, babası, oğlan ve kız evde bulunmaz. Nedeni: Oğlan ve kız gergin ortamda bulunmamış olur. Kızı ailenin büyüğü ister, anne veya baba istemez. Böylece hem aile büyüğü onore edilmiş olur, hem bir büyüğün isteğini kırmak daha zordur, hem de eğer kız verilmezse ebeveyneler doğrudan kırılmamış olur. Kız verilmezse yakınlar durumu anne babaya daha nazik ifade edebilir. Tabi bunlar günümüzde pek geçerli değil çünkü kız isteme faslı daha ziyade "madem birbirini sevmişler" havasında geçiyor.
  • Kız verildikten en az bir gün sonra yüzük takılır. Yüzük takma sırasında katılımcı kısıtı yoktur.
  • Yüzüğün takılacağı gün kız evine katılımcı sayısına göre pasta gönderilmesi şık olur.
  • Kız isteme ve yüzük takma faslı için tavsiyemiz minibüs kiralanmasıdır. Böylece hep birlikte gidilir, senkronizasyon sorunu olmaz, yolculuk sırasında topluca durum değerlendirmesi yapılabilir.

  • Bir sonraki konumuz "neden evlilik" ve en zor mevzu olan nikahtır.

    Thursday, August 09, 2007

    Ken Robinson, Dave Winer, Clay Shirky

    Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity:

    If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.

    The unedited voice of a person :

    ...if you know history, the most important ideas often are the unpopular ones.

    What there is always a shortage of ... is courage to say the exceptional thing, to be an individual, to stand up for your beliefs, even if they aren't popular.

    Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality:

    In systems where many people are free to choose between many options, a small subset of the whole will get a disproportionate amount of traffic (or attention, or income), even if no members of the system actively work towards such an outcome. This has nothing to do with moral weakness, selling out, or any other psychological explanation. The very act of choosing, spread widely enough and freely enough, creates a power law distribution.

    A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy:

    The likelihood that any unmoderated group will eventually get into a flame-war about whether or not to have a moderator approaches one as time increases.

    Bonus 1: Hans Rosling: Myths about the developing World

    Bonus 2: